01 January 2012

New Year and a New Normal (Not)

Happy New Year! It’s 2012. I brought in the new year, as has been my long-standing habit, in bed asleep, or attempting to be so. This year in the holy city of Sri Rangam in South India. Very interestingly, Sri Rangam is the first city ever in which I have not been awakened by the loud reports of fireworks and other kinds of drunken revelry. Perhaps that is because Sri Rangam is a holy city in which many of the inhabitants wake between three and four in the morning to begin their daily worship. Or perhaps it is because I am getting into a very deep sleep!). It could be that there was no carrying-on or ka-booms because there is not much to celebrate. From my way of viewing things, 2012 is a year that will go down in infamy or be celebrated as the year that the world changed direction. Whatever it turns out to be will depend upon us and what we are going to do this year.

Given the nature of the current world situation it is a time when we will all do well not to remain in the illusion that everything is just fine, and whatever troubles there are just a temporary blip on the radar screen, and things will go back to “normal” in just a short time. The fact is that there is no normal anymore, or rather, we are going to have a new “normal,” and that is what we are going to write about this year. These are eventful times and we must recognize them and deal with them accordingly. The signs of a rising consciousness demonstrated by various manifestations of the gift economy certainly give us hope of a brighter tomorrow, and no doubt they will continue to manifest in a variety of ways. But there is a darker side to the picture that must be addressed if the future is not to be altogether most grim. This is not the time to be Pollyannas. It is my unpleasant task to call your attention to this reality and rally you to be part of the solution. I do hope that after a sentence like that you will keep reading. We have an important job to do. We have to save this world.

After the market crash and economic debacle of 2008 I made an analysis of the whys and wherefores of those events, which you can find here. If you haven’t read it let me encourage you to do so. There I report that the economic crash, far from being an unwanted play of uncontrollable market forces, was deliberately set up and the plug was very deliberately pulled. The next question I address there is why someone(s) would do such a thing and the purpose that they want to achieve by such actions. That was written now three years ago, and I am not happy to report that I was spon-on in my projections. Moreover, the agenda is being accelerated and there is no time to be wasted in dealing with this reality. When there is fire you ACT!
It is traditional to make predictions at the end of one year and beginning of the next. Very well, let us do so based on recent headlines:
  • Bill for basket of essentials soars 43 per cent in ten years
  • Enshrining the lies of the 1%—what chance does truth have, if Americans cannot cast off lies that directly steal money from their own pockets?
  • Now migrants flood OUT of Europe in search of jobs
  • Half of America In Poverty? The Facts Say It's True
  • Risks Cloud Outlook for Economy in 2012
  • 'Too late' to contain research into deadly bird flu strain
  • IMF warns that world risks sliding into a 1930s-style slump
  • Obama Gives the Thumbs-Up on Detention of Domestic Terror Suspect
  • Defense Bill Assures ‘descent into totalitarianism’
My predictions?
  • We will see a “united” Europe in the aftermath of the economic crisis (that’s what the crisis is for after all)
  • We will see Americans disenfranchised from what they thought their future was going to be (less medicare, social security, education...less everything)
  • We may well see the BIG economic crunch in America, but that is unlikely in an election year where they want the incumbent to return. Look for it just after the election.
  • We will see increasing job losses in America and Europe and decreasing standards of living
  • We will see decreasing health for Americans due to efforts of the health agencies
  • We will see increasing totalitarianism in America and American hegemony throughout the Middle East and the Pacific
  • Syria will be brought to tow and Assad overthrown, with continued harassment of Iran, possible war
  • As things continue to get worse people will take up the “love revolution” and make it a bigger and bigger Movement
Ok, the headlines are always dramatic to provoke us to read the newspaper, right? And perhaps I am just focusing on the more grim aspects of the news and there are certainly other things we can focus on, so why dwell on the negative? Because this is only the tip of the iceberg, and once we understand what is actually going on we will realize that there is a very sinister agenda afoot that we cannot afford to ignore. The fact is that there is a war going on, a war against the people of the world being waged by demonic forces. Star Wars is here, now. There are good guys and bad guys, and the bad guys are literally trying to destroy the good and innocent. They are doing it in broad daylight in such a way that most people are totally oblivious to the fact and they just continue on their merry way as if everything were normal. But there is a fight to be fought if the future is to be at all hopeful—a different kind of fight that will be one of violence, but of love. It will be a revolution, "Revolution" as Ron Paul’s people write it -- a spiritual revolution.

The fact is that there will be NO solution WITHOUT a Spiritual Revolution, one that we hope to ignite. We hope that you will join us and bring your friends to the fun. Every person is needed. Every person is wanted. Let's make the new year end on a happier note than it is starting by igniting the fire of Love.

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