27 June 2012

A Step in the Right Direction

Today I accidentally re-discovered the Slow Money movement. Perhaps you have heard of the slow food movement that originated (I believe) in Italy as a sort of reaction/protest to the fast-food way of eating. Of course Italy is perhaps the setting and background where graceful dining and leisurely gourmet meals would be valued. In any case it may be that slow food spawned the idea of slow money. I don't know; I'm just speculating here. 

Regardless, the slow money movement is the idea that perhaps money doesn't have to return as much as possible in as short a time as possible. The idea that perhaps a reasonable return on money invested in local business, and particularly farms and wholesome, healthy food production, is a great idea, and one that can do much to give us both good food, and local social security. People helping each other for the reason that it ought to be done, and even more important than the idea of producing a great profit. Nice!

What do we see in this formula that is absent from Wall Street? Sattva-guna - the influence of the material quality of goodness, with the result that people and the world are uplifted. And what is missing in this approach that is present in Wall Street? Tamo-guna - the destructive influence of the material quality of ignorance. This is what we might call the green shoots of the rising of consciousness. Just as in spring we first see the shoots of daffodils and realize that winter is now behind us, such green shoots of higher consciousness are an indication that the pervasive and oppressive modes of passion and ignorance are lifting. Sort of a spring of consciousness!

Slow money promotes the idea that money should work for people instead of people working for money.
Add ca
"Slow Money could not be more relevant to our economic 
situation. We need true, grounded, fundamentally different 
approaches to investing in our agriculture and in our 
  Clifford C. David, Jr, president, Heritage Conservancy

The Slow Money Principles

In order to enhance food security, food safety and food access; improve nutrition and health; promote cultural, ecological and economic diversity; and accelerate the transition from an economy based on extraction and consumption to an economy based on preservation and restoration, we do hereby affirm the following Slow Money Principles:
I. We must bring money back down to earth.

II. There is such a thing as money that is too fast, companies that are too big, finance that is too complex. Therefore, we must slow our money down -- not all of it, of course, but enough to matter.

III. The 20th Century was the era of Buy Low/Sell High and Wealth Now/Philanthropy Later—what one venture capitalist called “the largest legal accumulation of wealth in history.” The 21st Century will be the era of nurture capital, built around principles of carrying capacity, care of the commons, sense of place and non-violence.

IV. We must learn to invest as if food, farms and fertility mattered. We must connect investors to the places where they live, creating vital relationships and new sources of capital for small food enterprises.

V. Let us celebrate the new generation of entrepreneurs, consumers and investors who are showing the way from Making A Killing to Making a Living.

VI. Paul Newman said, "I just happen to think that in life we need to be a little like the farmer who puts back into the soil what he takes out." Recognizing the wisdom of these words, let us begin rebuilding our economy from the ground up, asking:
  • What would the world be like if we invested 50% of our assets within 50 miles of where we live?
  • What if there were a new generation of companies that gave away 50% of their profits?
  • What if there were 50% more organic matter in our soil 50 years from now?
Woody Tasch can be considered the founder of slow money. He is the author of the book Inquiries into the Nature of Slow Money - Investing as if Food, Farms and Fertility Really Mattered, a title that borrows from E. F. Schumacher's essential Small is Beautiful - Economics as if People Mattered. In this short video he explains some more of the particulars of slow money, and there are a number of other videos explaining the whys and wherefores on YouTube, and of course have a look at the slow money website.


I ask why not free ourselves from the restrictions of money altogether? Why do we want to work within the confines of a system that is inherently flawed? Perhaps is too big a step for most people to take at once, so slow money is a step in the right direction. The time of Spiritual Economics may not be here just yet, but as concepts such as slow money develop they pave the way for the freedom of Spiritual Economics.

25 June 2012

Corporations Are Persons - NOT!

The Economics of Atheism Would Have Us Believe That 

Corporations Are Real, Necessary and Beneficial

(The following is an excerpt from my book "Lessons in Spiritual Economics") 

The corporation has been a tool for the profit of some by the efforts of others since its inception and remains so to this day. Special privileges were granted by the King of England to form the East India Company and the Hudson Bay Company so that the shareholders, primarily the King, could enjoy the profits generated by these ventures. Corporations continue to enjoy privileges not available to an individual person for the same reasons. Chief among these privileges are favorable tax structures, or no taxes at all; the anonymity provided to both the owners, and managers who act not in their own name, but in the name of the corporation; and separation of the owners and workers by means of a management structure, preventing the workers from taking action directly and personally against the owners in cases of disagreements over working conditions, pay scales, and so on. Corporations are an extension of the social engineering that began in the 15th century in the transition toward the economics of ignorance.

Corporations are an illusion of modern society because they have no existence in fact. They are a fiction agreed to by those who hold power; the rest of us merrily go along with the established order as we do with the other fictions, accepting them as a given fact of life. But they are not a fact of life. We think of them as reality because we have been acculturated to do this from the time we were children, and they simply become a part of things that “are”. Some “out-of-the-box” thinkers such as futurist Buckminster Fuller have understood the game for what it is. In The Grunch of Giants he explains: “Corporations are neither physical nor metaphysical phenomena. They are socioeconomic ploys—legally enacted game-playing—agreed upon only between overwhelmingly powerful socioeconomic individuals and by them imposed upon human society and all of its unwitting members.”

Given the nature and purpose of the corporation it is one of the pillars of the economics of atheism. If the idea of atheism is to forget God, to allow us to think of ourselves as God, that is, to be a law unto ourselves, then the creation of corporations can be seen as an effort of people to act as if they were God. They think: God creates and destroys. So can we. God grants life and brings death. So can we. God creates eternal beings with qualities that transcend normal reality, and so can we? In the creation of corporations we do. The creation of a corporation can even be seen as a material attempt to create a spiritual being. Compare them: the spirit soul is a non-material, eternal entity, and the corporation is a non-material, eternal entity (they have no expiration). The soul should live in a state of bliss with no effort expended to achieve that state, while the corporation delivers unearned profits with no effort expended by the owner so that he can have material bliss (as in Robert Nelson’s idea of heaven). If the atma is eternal and transcendental to all material considerations, the corporation is also a supernal entity beyond many laws that apply to most ordinary people. Corporations can also be seen as an effort to become the Supersoul by being in many places at once and having many people act in “their interest” simultaneously.  Just as God creates and gives us a body, the word corporation implies a body, since it is derived from the Latin corpus, which means body, or corporātus, to make into a body.

Artificial Persons Rise Above Real Persons

Early in the history of corporations in the United States (nineteenth century and earlier) corporations were highly regulated and it was not uncommon for corporate charters to be revoked when they adversely impacted the common welfare. It was illegal for corporations to participate in the political process—corporations couldn’t vote, and neither were they allowed to try to influence votes. It was illegal for corporations to lie about their products, and their books and processes were required to be open to government inspectors. Both the States and the Federal Government were able to investigate if workers were harmed or hazardous conditions created.

The tycoons of business found these conditions too confining. They wanted to be free to act as they pleased, and sought the ways and means of doing so. The answer came with the victory of the north over the south at the end of the civil war. Then in 1868 the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution was enacted to provide full constitutional protection of law to the now-emancipated former slaves. By this and the Thirteenth Amendment all human beings were to be recognized as real persons, independent citizens, and not the property or chattel of another person.

At that time the railroads were the greatest corporations and they sought to take advantage of these amendments and repeatedly sued various states, counties, and towns in which they argued that corporations were artificially created persons and entitled to the same privileges and protection of law that natural persons enjoyed. For example, they claimed that they were being treated as different “classes of persons” because different railroad properties were being taxed in different ways in different places, and that this constituted illegal discrimination under the Fourteenth Amendment. Need we point out that this argument has no basis in fact? What exactly is an “artificial person?” Has anybody ever seen one? There is no such thing in reality and the effort to impose this idea on us is nothing more than an effort to hoodwink us into accepting illusion as reality. To their credit they have been very successful.

They continued their legal assault for some twenty years reaching a zenith in 1877 when four cases were brought to the Supreme Court attempting to achieve corporate personhood. In each of these cases, the Court ruled that the railroad’s arguments pertained to interstate commerce which was not applicable to the Fourteenth Amendment; therefore the courts would not rule that corporations were persons.

But in 1886, with a sleight of hand so characteristic of Kali, that victory was achieved in another tax issue: the Santa Clara County versus The Union Pacific Railroad. The victory came not by the decision of the judges, but simply by the notation of a court clerk J. C. Bancroft Davis, who happened to be the former president of a small railroad. Davis wrote into his headnote, which is a commentary that clerks write about each case, that the Chief Justice had said that all the Justices agreed that corporations are persons. He wrote this although he knew that the justices had not ruled on that specific issue in the case.10 This headnote had no legal standing but was accepted as such by later judges under the color of law.

But corporations are not ordinary persons. They don’t die, they possess the non-human ability to be in many places at the same time, they increasingly have the ability to avoid liability, given their economic clout they can define the laws under which they live, they don’t pay taxes as ordinary people do, and they have shown themselves to have little sense of moral responsibility, with many being recidivist criminals.

Let me back that up with several examples. As far as influencing the laws that pertain to them, over the past 30 years the automobile industry has endeavored to block legislation that would impose criminal penalties on pre-meditated and willful violations of the federal auto safety laws. The result is that only civil fines are imposed and few, if any, executives, making decisions that affect the lives of people are indicted and convicted for their morally irresponsible actions.  ... Get the book here.

23 June 2012

Free is the Word!

Today while in Warsaw I was speaking about the activities of Food Not Bombs, a world-wide group of activists who make it their joy to feed people with food that would otherwise be thrown away. I recalled an incident in which the police in San Francisco prohibited the giving of the food away because it had been cooked and was not at the required temperature and therefore might cause food poisoning. They confiscated the food and threw it in a nearby dumpster. Having done their good deed they drove off. The hungry then immediately dove into the dumpsters to retrieve it and have their meal. Of course the police did not return to prevent that!

Having told that take one of the group then told me about a whole movement of people who are taking food dumpster-diving to another whole levelFreeganism. It seems that some people are making a lifestyle to rescue useable food from the garbage bins of grocers and other food sellers who often simply toss food that will not be useable the next day. 

Immediately I was intrigued to know more and getting back home googled it and was amazed to find out how and why people want to reduce the waste of modern society. Surprisingly, for some at least, it is not out of economic necessity, but out of moral outrage of a wasteful society. Honestly, I am so happy to hear of such people that have the moral courage to do such things.

From their website: "Freegans are people who employ alternative strategies for living based on limited participation in the conventional economy and minimal consumption of resources. Freegans embrace community, generosity, social concern, freedom, cooperation, and sharing in opposition to a society based on materialism, moral apathy, competition, conformity, and greed.

"After years of trying to boycott products from unethical corporations responsible for human rights violations, environmental destruction, and animal abuse, many of us found that no matter what we bought we ended up supporting something deplorable. We came to realize that the problem isn’t just a few bad corporations but the entire system itself.

"Freeganism is a total boycott of an economic system where the profit motive has eclipsed ethical considerations and where massively complex systems of productions ensure that all the products we buy will have detrimental impacts most of which we may never even consider. Thus, instead of avoiding the purchase of products from one bad company only to support another, we avoid buying anything to the greatest degree we are able."

Wow! Hat's Off!
It reminded me of when I was in charge of buying produce for the Hare Krishna temple many, many years ago. At the farmers market they throw out literally tons of food that is not salable for one reason or another. I would also get crates of tomatoes from the dumpsters, fruit, bananas, potatoes, you name it. Bad spots made it un-sellable, but cut that chunk off and the rest was perfectly fine.

Initially it takes some courage to get over the cultural conditioning of taking food out of the garbage bin, but apparently one quickly finds that much of it is not contaminated and is quite edible. In promoting the gift economy I never dreamed that such things would go on on such scale. 

Wouldn't it be nicer if it was indeed a gift, that these stores would just set it aside and offer it for free to whoever? As we were discussing this, one of the group told a tale of just such a good-hearted person in Warsaw. He had a bakery and at the end of the day whatever was unsold he would give away. Guess what? It seems the taxman found out about it and wanted his pound of flesh on the value of the give-aways, and in pursuit of his cut drove the benevolent giver crazy to the point where he quit his business. Let's hear it for Kali-yuga...Phhht!

Here is one short spot found on YouTube, but there is LOTS more to look at online. 

Continuing from the Freeganism website: "How much of our lives do we sacrifice to pay bills and buy more stuff? For most of us, work means sacrificing our freedom to take orders from someone else, stress, boredom, monotony, and in many cases risks to our physical and psychological well-being.
"Once we realize that it’s not a few bad products or a few egregious companies responsible for the social and ecological abuses in our world but rather the entire system we are working in, we begin to realize that, as workers, we are cogs in a machine of violence, death, exploitation, and destruction. Is the retail clerk who rings up a cut of veal any less responsible for the cruelty of factory farming than the farm worker? What about the ad designer who finds ways to make the product palatable? How about the accountant who does the grocery books and allows it to stay in business? Or the worker in the factory that manufacturers refrigerator cases? And, of course, the high level managers of the corporations bear the greatest responsibility of all for they make the decisions which causes the destruction and waste. You don’t have to own stock in a corporation or own a factory or chemical plant to be held to blame.
"By accounting for the basic necessities of food, clothing, housing, furniture, and transportation without spending a dime, freegans are able to greatly reduce or altogether eliminate the need to constantly be employed. We can instead devote our time to caring for our families, volunteering in our communities, and joining activist groups to fight the practices of the corporations who would otherwise be bossing us around at work. For some, total unemployment isn’t an option it’s far harder to find free dental surgery than a free bookcase on the curb but by limiting our financial needs, even those of us who need to work can place conscious limits on how much we work, take control of our lives, and escape the constant pressure to make ends meet. But even if we must work, we need not cede total control to the bosses. The freegan spirit of cooperative empowerment can be extended into the workplace as part of worker-led unions like the Industrial Workers of the World."

Ok, here is where I draw my limit. Why extend this idea into  the workplace that perpetuates wage and consumer slavery? Why not redesign the workplace altogether, as in Spiritual Economics and the gift economy? Why continue to play the game of money when it is rigged so that the 85% lose and the 15% win? The money game is not made in your favor! Take Freeganism to the MAX with the total gift economy! Not just food, but land, house, clothing, food, entertainment, etc., etc. — ALL of it. All that you have to do is 1) work that you enjoy, and 2) give the gift of your labor to others. By doing this we can free ourselves of the control game of money and the money masters. 

FREE is the WORD!

19 June 2012

On our Gitagrad blog we just finished a piece where we look into the future to see what might be coming. Of course this is typically done around the beginning of the year, but now that the year is almost half finished maybe we need a course correction. Some, but not much. The prediction is great—for the spiritually inclined—but woeful for those whose entire connection with this reality is the sense gratification that can be garnered. It looks like the party is coming to an end. And just as winter follows summer, dukha (misery) follows sukha (happiness). The duality of modern life cannot be separated. Everyone thinks they can get the happiness and avoid the distress, but that is impossible. That’s like having a coin with one side. Happiness and distress are the two sides of the materialistic coin and one cannot be had without the other. This is why the sages admonish those who chase after material happiness. Actual happiness is spiritual happiness. It comes from within. And one can have that without any distress at all. One simply needs to know how to contact it, which is the function of spiritual sadhana (practice) and cultivation of spiritual knowledge.
Forwarded to me from a friend, the email below (Meltdown Can't Be Stopped!) gives some insight into the conversation going on at some levels of society and what they expect, and it gives some of the whys and wherefores that I generally don’t get into. It seems that everyone is going berserk trying to find a safe haven where the value of their money will be preserved. This is all rather strange since money is only paper and has no intrinsic value. It’s rather curious to watch those who have played that game so long and benefited from it as they try to keep the game going. Look at how they are taking shelter of paper money! Panicking to keep the money that has become the source of sustenance for them from being realized for what it isworthless paper! IT’S ALL A GAME FOLKS! IT’S NO DIFFERENT THAN MONOPOLY. And at the end of the day all the houses, hotels and tokens slide of the board and back into the box and the game is over. And that is exactly what is going on in this game of life just now. The bank wins and the people lose because they have played the bankers game. Maya always wins and the foolish always lose. If you want a different result you must play a different game with different rules. It's that simple!
Their predictions are not too different from that of a derivatives trader I spoke with while in Vijayawada, India last winter who was encouraging me to short the euro. He stated that the fundamentals are all there for the euro to take a big hit, but his timing was off—he expected it to come in April/May. The people below see it in the fall, which is more likely since all of the economic debacles seem to happen in the fall for some strange reason (if it were actually the markets and not manipulation shouldn’t we expect to see something in other parts of the year?). Other sources say that the coming European debacle will spill to the States and crash the dollar as well.
What do I think? Well, such a debacle must come sooner or later, because the entire economic system (the entire culture actually) has descended into the tamo-guna—the mode of ignorance—and since destruction is characteristic of tamo-guna we should not be surprised. We cannot engage in tamo-guna in all areas of life and not expect the result of tamo-guna! If we really want a different reality we need to engage in different behavior. That’s not rocket science, but you might think it is the way people behave. Such a result was also predicted more than 50 years ago by my spiritual master, His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, who wrote that “this civilization will not last much more than fifty years!” Hey! Time’s up!
What do “they” who deliberately led us into this expect to get out of all the mayhem? It’s right there in their motto right on the Great Seal of the United Statesordo ab chao—“order out of chaos.” Since “they” (the people who run this world) are demonic they only know how to do things with destruction. Destruction and killing is a way of life for them. They destroy the established order that they don’t like and want to change, to usher in their new world order. They do this because they cannot sell the entire package politically. I give the details of the process in the fourth and fifth chapters of my book “Spiritual Economics.” Get it from my website.
Actually the whole show is political theater (with lots of audience participation!) that is leading us inexorably towards a New World Order, which translated means a one world government run by an oligarchy for the purpose of total control. This is the attempt of some foolish people to try to become God, just like Hiranyakasipu, and the result is always the same: it is all taken away with inevitable death.

Best bet is to take your money out of all markets, and even use your paper money to purchase something of real value, such as land and cows. You can get an acre of land and a little cottage in Ukraine for as little as $5,000 if you hurry, or a nicer house in other places in E. Europe for $25-30,000. Or build yourself a small cottage wherever you are, stock some grains, milk your cow and ride out the “RESET BUTTON” in relative peace while you chant the Hare Krishna mahamantra. Or join the harinam sankirtan revolution and help save the world by creating a new spiritual world order J

Panic! Acceleration of Financial 
Meltdown Can't Be Stopped / 
From International Banker Friend

May 31, 2012


The Iron boot has been firmly planted to the pedal of this runaway tractor trailer that is heading off the cliff. All of the Euro banks including my former associates at the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) are all prepped and ready for the Euro collapse. What we in the inside are calling "Spanish Flue" is now running hot with temperatures that are setting ten year yields sky high. What many do not realize is that Bankia's demise has started a breach in all the firewalls and safety measures that are in place in the Eurozone. This had an immediate effect on the Italian markets as you can now see the pandemonium that is there.

We keep hearing reports of massive bank runs that are occurring across many of the PIIGS but is not just limited to them. As I stated many times the UK and France are the most vulnerable to the Eurozone collapse, many of their populace are cashing out of their equities though there is a massive media blackout about this. European contacts report that there is a flight to German bonds, UK and a mass migration to the US dollar. But these currency life preserver jumps will not help as the contagion in all FIAT markets are affected. It is a game of hot potato that the investors are playing, jumping from one asset to the next and again before the one that they just jumped to burns. A juggling act with fire that cannot be quenched. Gold jumped over $40, it is telling us something.

Many banks in the Eurozone are stuffed with US Bonds/TBills as a hedge, this will not work for them for the following reasons:

1- The American TBTFs (Too Big to Fails) are filled to the brim with T-Bills, so are many banks in the Eurozone, the backroom deal was take the bills, bolster your balance sheets, dont sell them and We (Federal Reserve) will help you out. Why do you think the details of a Fed bailout of Eurobanks were never fully divulged? It is because they are being propped up by any means possible including American Treasuries that can not be dumped.

2- They cannot dump them, the main reason is that the Fed is THE # 1 buyer of American Debt. Yes that is correct #1 not #2 we have surpassed the Chinese, since the ChiComs did not show for many of the last bond auctions and are stealth dumping US Debt Obligations. This has caused the balancing act to begin...Fed is Printing, at the same time buying what it prints, thus the banks can't lend causing a solvency crisis the likes of which we have not seen and killing all credit markets like a ELE (Extinction Level Event) This will create a hyper Velocity Parabolic crash.

There is no stopping this...We are still on track as I have been predicting for a while now for a fall/winter collapse of the Eurozone and naked exposure of all derivative markets the world over. Europeans will go through a major reset, after time they will recover as Europeans do not carry the type of personal debt that Americans do. It is for America that I worry. Look for these signs next:

1- JPM will be bailed out again but it will not stop the coming market crash. More details will emerge about their derivative swap failure $150 billion and counting.
2-BOA (BAC Bank of America) will fold and be absorbed into JPM as a way to prop up the bleeding Giant. JPM will get the best picking of this deal just like they got with Bear Stearns.
3- Massive layoffs at Citigroup and Wells Fargo
4- Goldman Sachs finally pays the piper, look for massive cuts there as well as BIG Losses
5- Bond market bust which leads to freeze of all bond sales
6- Derivative bust the next one will be BOA followed by Citigroup
7- All CDS shorts and swaps will freeze.
8- Total Meltdown

Those who are ready begin to implement GOOD (Get Out Of Dodge) Plan. Keep what you need in paper and what you can afford to lose in banks in order to pay day to day expenses/bills. The rest of your investments/retirements should NOW be pulled from the market and moved to safe haven assets like Precious metals, farmland, fire arms and food. Prepare to ride out what we are calling the coming RESET BUTTON.

06 June 2012

Slaves or Freemen – Which are We?

The beautiful story of the Personality of Godhead, also called the Srimad Bhagavatam tells us (1.17.34):

“In all sacrificial ceremonies, although sometimes a demigod is worshiped, the Supreme Lord Personality of Godhead is worshiped because He is the Supersoul of everyone, and exists both inside and outside like the air. Thus it is He only who awards all welfare to the worshiper.”

And His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the author, comments:

“It is sometimes seen that demigods like Indra and Chandra are worshiped and offered sacrificial awards, yet the rewards of all such sacrifices are awarded to the worshiper by the Supreme Lord, and it is the Lord only who can offer all welfare to the worshiper. The demigods, although worshiped, cannot do anything without the sanction of the Lord because the Lord is the Supersoul of everyone, both moving and nonmoving.
In Bhagavad-gita (9.23) the Lord Himself confirms this:

‘Whatever a man may sacrifice to other gods, O Arjuna, is really meant for Me alone, but it is offered without true understanding.’

“The fact is that the Supreme Lord is one without a second. There is no God other than the Lord Himself. Thus the Supreme Lord is eternally transcendental to the material creation. But there are many who worship the demigods like the sun, the moon and Indra, who are only material representatives of the Supreme Lord. These demigods are indirect, qualitative representations of the Supreme Lord. A learned scholar or devotee, however, knows who is who. Therefore he directly worships the Supreme Lord and is not diverted by the material, qualitative representations.”

I have been speaking on this verse recently explaining that although all worship is actually meant for the Supreme Lord, in this age worship has been diverted to other, lesser “gods.” The gods I refer to here are not actually gods, although they fancy themselves as such. They would like to be the Supreme Lord and may even think themselves supreme. To that end they have created a system whereby everyone gives them service and energy, which is in effect, worship.

How do they do this? Through the money system.

They print and control the money, and through that system, by owning the corporations, they have become the de facto owners of this world. When people work they create a profit for the owners of the corporation. When people buy products they create profits for the owners of capital. Thus in effect, everyone who has a job and uses that job to get money with which to buy products is giving their service and energy to the owners of the corporations, to the little “gods” of this world.

Rather than worshiping and depending on the Supreme Lord, we are now, subtly and even overtly, worshipping and depending on these little gods who control the money. Indeed, by controlling the money and requiring everyone to get money simply to survive they have in fact made slaves of all the people of the world.

In my lecture, that you can download from here if you want to listen to it, I state that the better way to live would be to live directly on the land, use agriculture as the economic system for one’s maintenance, and depending on the Supreme Lord for rain, worship him by one’s labor and consciousness. Indeed, that in and of itself be a revolution of consciousness.

Others have recognized that the people of this world are enslaved. Here is a very intriguing video that explains quite succinctly how we are indeed all enslaved. It is meant to help us see what we cannot see due to our cultural conditioning. Wake up. Wake up and give your service and energy to the real God by living freely on the land and following His system of economic development—agriculture!

01 June 2012

Owners, Slaves, Freedom and the MMM-2011 Revolution

The other day I told you about Sergey Mavrodi and his money pyramid. Here is more about the man and the revolution he is creating. He's straightforward, clever, bold—and successful—35,000,000 people from all over Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Thailand have joined him and have given him their money. And the occupy movement in America is having trouble getting people to withdraw their money from the banks. Here's the way to get that done—give it Mavrodi! This rather unassuming, simple-looking fellow who is not given to ostentation and flashing the cash is creating a genuine revolution.

His first pyramid began in 1994 in Russia attracting some 20 million participants. If you want to view the history in a somewhat entertaining video (albeit with third-class English dubbing) click here. MMM-94 was destroyed by the government and Mavrodi was imprisoned for 7 years. This effort, called MMM-2011, is a giant success and more people trust him than trust the government and banks put together.

His writing is amusing, even funny, as he exposes the system for what it actually is. What’s his goal? In his own words: "I want to destroy the world financial system. I consider it unfair. I want to arrange a financial apocalypse, and I will make it." Will he make it? Let's see if the government doesn't destroy him again. After all, his is challenging their entire system. Not just the Russian system—but the global system. He is getting the people's money and making the banker's Ponzi efforts more difficult. This is earning him powerful enemies. Of course those same enemies have destroyed entire countries in their efforts to control everything, so will they be intimidated by one man? Perhaps not, but he has 35 MILLION behind him.  Here's the news you likely have not seen in the States, or anywhere else in the Western world, but he certainly is making the news in Russia.

Below are some of the highlights of his website, and if you want to read the whole thing, and maybe even participate go here. Am I seducing you into a scam? Well, the entire economic system of the world is a scam. Which one do you prefer? One that benefits the 85% or one that benefits the 0.5%? Or you don't care as long as it benefits you? My preference, as I have clearly stated on this blog is a gift economy, an economy that will make everyone happy, not just 1% or 15% or even 50% (of the world's population), but 100% (including the cows). Who wants to help set up that scheme? But if you seriously want to join, write to me and I will set you up with a "10-man", the contact person who you need to join.

Here is MMM-2011:

A bit of a foreword 

Primarily, just for the record, mankind does still live under a slave-owning system. Basically, nothing has really changed during all those thousand years gone by, except that the bonds we are tied down with nowadays are, mainly, economic ones. That's about all the difference there is. As for the rest, everything is completely the same. There are slaves and there are owners. Owners are those people who print money. Surprised? :-)) 
The next thing. What is actually money? It's nothing! A nihil. A phantasm, blank spot! It is just funny money, papers made of colored paper with various fancy watermarks, emblems and pictures (usually they are portraits of famous people, it looks more trustworthy this way. :-)) It is absolutely not covered in any way and it is uncontrollably printed by the Owners as they think fit.

The Owners give away this funny money to the slaves as a kind of compensation, at the same time, adopting a serious expression, preaching to these slaves that the money must be earned in a decent way; meanwhile, the slaves obediently drink it in. Brainwashed since their childhood by the well-selected notebooks, books, movies, mass media; and by this while gigantic, smoothly-running ruthless machine of a government, the slaves can't even think about anything else. They believe that this is the way the world runs, and they can't realize that there is any other way. But there actually is.
What is a financial pyramid? Why are these pyramids comminuted everywhere, in all the states worldwide, even in the most loyal, free and democratic countries in the world? Why do governments battle against them so violently, obstinately and consistently? Gambling or drugs, for example, are legal in certain countries; meanwhile the financial pyramids are considered illegal everywhere, across the board. Why is it like that? Sometimes it even looks quite sacral and mysterious. Didn't you ever have a thought like this?

Well, why is it this way? Maybe it is because some people would get hurt? Applesauce! Who does actually care about people? This all-devouring and spawning bioplasm, this multi-billion human crowd. These speechless, downtrodden and lamblike slaves! Who does really care whether anyone gets hurt or not?

But why are they actually supposed to get hurt in the first place? It's just another myth, one of those 'you should earn money in a decent way' things. They say that some contributors must get hurt, meanwhile the pyramid itself must come crashing down! (But when is it supposed to happen? When it conquers the world?
ALL THE FINANCIAL PYRAMIDS MAKE MONEY! Yes, it's the naked truth! They make MONEY! Out of nothing, from dust! The same way the Owners make money, out of nothing, from dust, using the pyramids! The dollar is a kind of financial pyramid, and it's not an odd coincidence at all! There aren't any other money making mechanisms, at all! There are only financial pyramids. Can't you believe it? Then try naming at least one world currency that is not a pyramid. Try naming just one! Euro? Pound? Yuan? Well? Swiss franc, maybe? Anything else? Recently the Russian government has been quite tough on the dollar, but they are being silent about one thing; the ruble is actually the same kind of pyramid. Not a better choice. (Moreover, it's even worse! Much worse. It's a pyramid within a pyramid, because the ruble is based on the dollar. :-)) [actually the Russians have been selling their dollars and buying gold. The question is if they have enough to support their currency when the dollar collapses.]

True, pyramids make money. But it's what only the Owners may do. This is their inherent and exclusive right, their inviolable monopoly. Their right to make money actually makes them what they are, the Owners. But be aware that here the money is made by the Slaves!

Consequently it all collapses. The sticky cobweb of lies and hypocrisy which has been carefully, cherishingly and diligently enveloping each person since the moment they were born and till the moment they die becomes torn. The veil falls and the fog clears away. Suddenly a person finds that the door of their financial cage is wide-open and they're free! At first they're just very surprised at this and they can't believe what they see; how can it be possible that they get money for no reason whatsoever, and they do not have to stay locked in that cage anymore? It's not possible in the very first place! They were told all their lives that it's not possible, and that they have to sweat and get their jobs done (for whom? :-))? This is right and this is rightful! You have to do this very thing to get something in return. (although you may easily be let down :-)) And then it turns out that you don't have to do anything, that it's not necessary at all! How's that? Then they start thinking. 

Well, if money is not a measure of labor, quite the other way, one can give it away for nothing and throw it about, meanwhile the world feels literally nothing about it! What is it then, if not a measure of labor? Maybe it's just a kind of paper, just funny money? Then a person looks around and suddenly sees people who continue working, in the same dull and toneless way, with their heads cast down, sitting in the adjacent cages, trying to earn this paper, this funny money. Only yesterday those people were their friends, close people; but today there is a huge gap between them. Those people are still slaves, but this person isn't a slave anymore. This person has managed to taste a forbidden fruit called freedom. They know how it is to feel human, and they will never forget this.

In other words, pyramids enable people to be people. They make them free and give them freedom. That's why everybody is so scared of financial pyramids and hates them. The Owners, that is.

This is a financial pyramid!
This is a financial pyramid!
This is a financial pyramid!

(What is not a pyramid? Show me. Maybe only our Russian government. Which is more like a 3D cube! :-))

By taking part you take great risks and you may lose all your money any moment. Don't forget that!

(But by not taking part you're not taking any risks and you can't lose anything.)  Because you don't have anything! :-))

There are no investments! No entrepreneurship! No securities trading, no business ties with professional traders, no bonds or stocks to buy! (Do you really need them? :-))

Pyramid! Pyramid! Pyramid!

Those who participate first get their money only thanks to people who take part after them!  And there are no other sources of income, there just aren't! And there can't be in the first place. For all eternity. Amen. Did you get that? :-))

I can't give you any guarantees, I can't promise you anything. Neither publicly, nor secretly.

(As distinguishable, for example, from banks, which give these guarantees, and they do that quite eagerly. They eagerly say that they never go bankrupt. :-)) Guarantees are, by the way, something really damned. Do you remember Jesus Christ? Just say a simple, 'Yes, I will,' or 'No, I won't.' Anything beyond this is from the evil one. Mathew, 5:37)
I don't create any misconception, I don't say that you'll get rich in no time (quite the other way, you can lose everything to the devil! :-)).

There are no rules. The only rule is that there are no rules at all! Even if you're to follow all the instructions, you can easily lose. And there is a possibility that you won't be paid your prize. For no obvious reason at all.
Also, you should note that I'm a person who has an outstanding conviction and a wicked fate. A person who has been lying to everybody all his life.

As Simon Shuster of the Times believes, I'm "a person having a hypnotic dread of a night TV anchorman", while the Russian Duma's speaker, Gryzlov, believes that I just "enchant everybody". So, be on the lookout and don't yield to them (my charms, and even better, besprinkle your monitor with a splash of holy water after reading this. :-))

During my childhood I had 12 cerebral concussions, and it may be the case that I'm not mentally too fit (meanwhile it wasn't really a problem when they put me in prison :-)). LDPR party chief and vice-chairman of Duma of the Russian Federation, Zhirinovsky V. V., believe that I'm to be considered a sane man. Well, it'd be decent to say that he has some grounds to think that way. Anyway, I'm myself not really sure yet whether I'm sane or not (if I would have been a mentally fit person, would have I done all of this? :-)).

According to what the absolute majority of top financial workers, economists, investment professionals and so on say, profitability so high is just not possible in the very first place, and that any kind of similar activity can be regarded as a fraudulent activity and blatant speculation.
Which you don't need to take part in, no way, in no event!!!

(Meanwhile I'm supposed to be crucified in public, on Red Square, as soon as possible. Or maybe even buried, it'll be much better. Make a public auto-da-fe, so all crooks and thieves will realize what's what; today's, yesterday's, and future crooks and thieves, so they'll understand what's the most important and who's the most important! :-))

I can't really explain to you how this scheme works, I don't know myself. I just have no idea, although during the times of the old MMM it worked well, the same as it worked fine with SG (even if it was growing 5 times faster there).

(At the rate of 100% a month. Prices on stocks were doubling each month.)

How did it all manage to grow that big? I don't know, I just can't understand this (and I'm really surprised myself! :-)). I'm like an illiterate Aladdin who found a genie lamp, rubbed it a bit, Djinn appeared, made all his wishes come true and hid back in the lamp. But where does this Djinn come from and how does it all work (and, well, how does this Djinn find enough room in the lamp, goddamn him?), Aladdin doesn't know (and does he really need to know? :-)).

Why am I telling you all of this? For no reason at all! I just want to. I got an idea and want people to hear it. To show them how smart I am. "Well, he's a sane man, what can you do about that?" But you, all of you, sensible crowd, you just can't get tied up with this! Don't let them get you tied up with this stuff! Am I right? Won't you? Am I? :-))
In the first place, I'm lying. Do you know this paradox? If I'm not lying, then I'm telling the truth. But when I'm telling the truth, it means I'm lying. This definition is at the same time both false and true. A famous paradox of a liar.

Cutting it short. I'm encouraging you, convincing all of you, persuading you and begging you:


But if you also feel like a madman, like I do myself, and if after listening to all of those persuasions and convictions you are determined to take part in MMM-2011 (I just can't believe that there are people like this! :-)), press

P.S. Well, one more thing! There is no law against financial pyramids. Moreover, there is nothing similar in the legislature to 'a financial pyramid'. It is unlawful to lie to people and talk about some kind of extra-profitable investments and so on, but actually there are no investments at all. It's all really fair and transparent. You have already been notified that there are no investments here at all and people earn their money from those who have already joined before them. That's why MMM-2011 is absolutely legal.
P.P.S. One thing more. Pyramids are all around us (didn't you know that? :-)). Banks, insurance companies (that's a true pyramid, in its primeval sense), pension funds, and even the dollar! Everything and everywhere! But only MMM says that in public, not secretly. All the rest are liars. Liars who have no shame, who do not even tell people anything. So it's up to you to decide.

Pyramid Schemes Big and Small

Recently some of my Russian friends introduced me to a new money-making scheme going on in Russia, but participated in by people all over the world. It is actually a financial pyramid scheme that is returning, according to the latest reports some 30% per month! Quite a good return, wouldn’t you say? Of course the whole scheme has nothing to support it except future players. The thing that is interesting is that the organizer, one very clever man by the name of Sergey Mavrodi, quite correctly points out that the entire global financial system is organized the same way—every currency in the world is also a Ponzi scheme—every one!

I can explain that quite easily.

It is almost common knowledge by now that money is loaned into existence. That is to say, when somebody takes a “loan” the bank does not give them something that they have, which is the normal meaning of the word loan. No. The money that is given to the borrower is created from the borrowers own signature on the note. It is the borrower who creates the money with his signature, but the bank doesn’t tell him that. Instead, the agreement states that the borrower will repay to the bank the principal and interest.

The bank doesn’t give the borrower anything. It merely credits his account with “money” that he is free to draw on when making purchases. The money was created by the loan, that is, it was loaned into existence. If you watched the video “Zeitgeist” that I posted on this blog several days ago, or if you have watched some of the videos under the heading “Your Economic Tutorial” on my website, you should understand this. If you don’t understand this, then take the time to get an education on this most important of subjects that affects everything that you do.

Key Factor

It is important to note that the amount of money returned in interest payments is not created at any point in time. That money must come from money that is already in circulation. It must be pulled out of the economy, reducing the amount of money in circulation.

The result of this is that if future loans are not made, and if money continues to be withdrawn from circulation as interest payments, before long there is not enough money in circulation to meet the demands of normal commerce. This is called a recession.

If the situation continues then the circumstances become extreme and this is called a depression.

Both the recession and depression are deliberately created by policies of the banks (as in not making loans), and both of them are “cured” by the policies of the banks, as in making more loans.

The banks therefore, and not the government determine the health of the economy. They regularly create “the business cycle” so to steal, or harvest wealth from the public. When over the last few years millions of people lost their houses, who got them? The banks. But note that the banks didn’t give anything of value for the houses to begin with! They gave account digits—mere numbers on a ledger. And this whole scam works because everyone has been trained to accept it as “commerce.”

Back to the point I was making about Ponzi schemes. Because money is continually withdrawn from circulation, the entire financial system depends on new people coming and taking loans. This is the definition of a Ponzi scheme.

Take a moment to let this sink in...the entire world financial system is a Ponzi scheme...based on nothing...

The question naturally arises, “well why do the banks (bankers actually, or even more accurately the stockholders of the banks) get to keep the interest??? Good question. Great question! Because they set up the scam in the first place and have convinced everyone to participate. And through this system they are sucking the wealth of the entire world. It is these people (actually it’s too generous an expression to call them people, bloodsuckers would be more appropriate) who make up the one-half of one percent that the 99% are complaining about.

Sidebar – It's Actually The "85%" Occupy Movement

And while were on that subject, the Occupy Movement has it quite wrong. They think that they are the 99%. But that is quite inaccurate. The people of that Movement are actually the 90% or even 85%. It is the upper 9-14% (from 85-99%) who run the show for the 1% and who also are rewarded handsomely for their trouble (statistics later). Without those 9-14% the whole thing couldn’t function. But they have sold themselves to do the bidding of the 1%. “The People” who are out in the cold are the 85%. More on that later.

Real and False Economic Development

The fact is that the only real honest-to-goodness economic system is agriculture. It is based on life, depends on spirit, not on dead matter. You plant one seed and a living spiritual being takes birth in that body and by his agency you get back 50 or 100 or 1000 seeds—a 5000% or 10,000% or 100,000% return respectively in about 3 months time (that even better than Mavrodi gives!). All economic development depends on living beings. It is they that turn the material energy that nature gives into something of value, whether that be by growing their own bodies (plants) or mining minerals from the earth, or manufacturing something in a factory. Living beings create value. Dead material energy does nothing and has no value without the living element.

The modern economic system, based on materialistic values for materialistic ends, is a system of falsity. It uses paper currency that has no value but gives the illusion of value, and in the same illusory way it multiplies itself, stealthily taking from others. It has all of the earmarks of the Kali yuga: dishonesty, lying, cheating, theft, illusion and results in suffering and hardship for the vast majority of people—the 85%.

If we want to solve the economic problems once and for all we need to stop using the false economic methods and begin to use the real ones. Plant seeds. After all, that’s what we need money for in this modern world—to eat, and to get clothing, both of which come out of Mother Earth as a gift. If we simply receive them as gifts meant for our sustenance rather than something to exploit for other purposes we miss the spirit of the entire creation and must suffer accordingly. Isn’t that what is going on today? The people of the world have been misled down a path of greed, hoping to exploit a cheating system for their own gain, and instead are becoming consumed by it. Poetic justice. 

If we actually want to solve the economic problems we have to give up our own base qualities, because as long as we cling to them other people smarter than us will use our own bad qualities against us.